On the other side, since not every manufacturer has experience with your specific type of product, you need to be very diligent in doing your research to find the right private label company for you. Private label manufacturers rarely produce the marketing and point-of-sale materials to promote your line of products, so you will need to develop these materials yourself.
Additional considerations:
Before you private label, you should have all of your extraneous business necessities in place. These include e.g.:
- The brand name for the company and/or product line
- Your logo and all identity and branding materials
- Well designed labels and packaging design
- An understanding of local requirements for cosmetic labeling (or requirements in your industry)
- All marketing materials, like post cards, brochures, catalogs, etc.
- Product photography
- A clean and well-designed website
- Product liability insurance
- Business insurance
- On-going marketing strategies so you can keep your customers up to date and engaged
More information on private label perfumes on www.vismaressence.com or info@vismaressence.com