Thursday 25 October 2012

Scents go directly to the brain

Scents go directly into the brain. A very special one is going there and will never get out: the smell of babies.

Every affection has a good reason. A mother is happy and has that certain glow in the face. She has her daughter lying on her stomach and is smelling the head, the hair, the ear and the neck...

does it smell?

Like a baby
, she says, laughing. It smells softly and not yet as a human being.

There is no other comparative smell, it is the only smell that tells us that we are not alone. From the beginning.

can distinguish a baby´s scent of others, says Professor Randolf Menzel, director of the Institute of Neurobiology, University of Berlin.

No other sense affects our brains like the smell. The corresponding brain region is phylogenetically the oldest part of the brain. People can distinguish from 10,000 to 50,000 different odors. Nothing is so much connected with memories as smells. We are animals: there is the stimulus (the scent), and this excitement leads to an image in the brain. Each scent creates a different pattern.

All this
is in our scent memory. And the scents created on an early stage
dominate and are very stable, says Randolf Menzel.

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